Thursday, December 15, 2016

UEW Update 12/15/16

Dear UEW Families,

It was great to see so many of you at the Science Fair yesterday.  The students really enjoyed sharing their work.  Today's fort day was a great success!  We had a city of forts in UEW. If your child is participating in Secret Snowflake, please check in with them to make sure they have given their gift.

For our weekly writing prompt, the students have been writing poems about snow.  Here are some for you to enjoy over winter break. 

Have wonderful break and we will see you next year!

Jean and Amanda


Daddy, daddy! Look it snowed,

Daddy, daddy! Where did your car go?

It's three feet below,

A mound of snow.

I think we'll stay,

Instead of go.

By Finn


The cold wind blows,

There's frost on my clothes,

And there's snot of my nose.

I looked around,

No one to be found,

Then I fell to the ground.

By Silo


Snow is a white substance that falls from the sky,

Please tell me why it falls from the sky.

It makes me cold,

So I am told,

It's time for me to blow my nose.

By Mandi


Snow is fuzzy,

Snow is fun.

I like snow falling on my tongue.

Snow is crystally,

Snow is cold.

Snow is funny,

Snow is bold.

When things get chilly,

Snow falls, and that's fun.

Snow is cool,

Snow is flakey,

Snow is perfect,

Snow is delicate.


By Sofie


Snow is awesome,

Snow is cool,

Snow is white,

Snow is cold.

Snowball fights,

Afton too,

Chair lifts,


Jumps too.


Grab rails are cool,

That's why snow is cool.

By Reid





  Inside I sit and peer…

 At the snow, so crystal clear…

 It makes not a sound,

 As it rests on the ground,

 And I know that Winter is here…


 It seems the wind has come…

 Yet the Spring has nearly begun…

 And as I rest,

 I see the white crest,

 And I brace for the light of the sun…


 And every year, when it is over…

 The world will begin a nova…

 And I cannot wait,

 In this prolonged state,

 Of longing for the bloom of the clover.


By Daniel



A poem involving snow.


In the night,

A pretty sight,

Will greet us in the morning.

When we wake up,

Because of our pup,

We see the snow adorning.


The children squeal,  

They break open the seal,

The door has been burst open.

They play in the snow,

And before they know,

Their snowman has been broken.


By Torben
