Monday, June 5, 2017

Montessori Model United Nations

Hello Upper El Parents,


As we close down this school year we are beginning to look forward to next fall.  We are thrilled to let you know that interested upper elementary students at GRS will have an opportunity to participate in the Montessori Model United Nations next year!  This program offers students an opportunity to work with other Montessori students to solve real life issues facing the world.  It gives students an opportunity to develop public speaking, writing, researching, and negotiating skills while crafting solutions to challenges we, as humans, face.  Conferences can be local, national or even international.  It is a powerful experience for all that attend.  


Last week, students learned about the MMUN program and had an opportunity to ask questions.  You can find more information at MMUN.  We look forward to sharing more information with you in the fall, but wanted to give you a preview of this amazing opportunity.



Upper Elementary Guides